Friday, September 25, 2009

Just One Thing

Any of you who willing go out and wander through corn, as in corn mazes, are truly insane! What the hell is wrong with you people?


The things that live in that realm do not, I repeat NOT, want you there, stomping around their domain. They don’t appreciate your presence one bit. And sooner or later, you better believe they ARE going to do something to remove you from a place no business being in to start with.

There. I feel better for reminding you. If you go out there, you do so at your own risk because you have been warned. And if we don’t hear from you ever again we’ll know you ignored me.


Regina Carlysle said...

Reminds me of that freaky Children of the Corn. BRRRRRRR

Sandra said...

I so hate cornfields... freaks me out since I've seen that movie Children of the Corn!!!

barbara huffert said...

My terror of cornfields began before Children of the Corn existed. Needless to say, it didn't help. Ever read the short story that the movie was based on?

Anny Cook said...

I haven't lived near a cornfield in years...