There’s a depressing little strip mall I pass on my way to work every day. There are always a few people milling about. Not enough for me to really pay attention to. This morning however, there were many more than usual so I actually looked to see what store they were standing in front of. I go by about 6:50. I figure the place opens at 7 which made me curious. Perhaps they were queuing up for an exceptionally good breakfast.
No, that wasn’t it. I was completely mistaken in my guesses as to what they might be doing. The establishment they were about to go into was the USA Plasma Center. They were standing around, waiting to have their blood separated in order to sell their plasma.
I looked up the place online. Plasma goes for $20-$35 a donation. In order for it to be useful you must donate at least twice. You can do this no more than twice in any seven day period. What surprised me is that they are looking for people with certain antibodies for things such as Hepatitis B and Tetanus. Hmm. Not sure what to think about that.
What I do know is how sad it is that this is what we, as a society, have come to. Selling the liquid out of your blood on a bi-weekly basis. Some of the people standing there looked as if this is what they do in order to survive. Literally.
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