A need is something that is necessary, something essential for basic survival. A want is something that is desired, something that would be absolutely wonderful to have but not truly vital.
I received a surplus and survival catalog the other day. While flipping through it, I came across a grappling hook. Made by Black Widow Tools of swat black carbon steel. Folds for convenient carrying and comes with 33 feet of black nylon rope.
Due to the current volatile state of the world, I instantly decided this is something I must have. You never know when a quick escape may be called for. It would be very foolish to be caught unprepared especially when such equipment is readily available.
I continued paging through the catalog and found the cutest tactical boots. I added them to the list because I’m sure they’d come in handy when scaling the wall to safety.
But then, since my budget is fairly limited at the moment, I got to thinking. Do I really have to have these items? I decided yes on the grappling hook and no on the boots. My life may honestly depend on getting over a wall or on to a roof some day but when it gets to that point, it’s not going to matter what shoes I’m wearing. I’ll manage in whatever footwear I happen to have on.
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