Monday, May 9, 2011

Drake's Rules

I’m not sure why but I was thinking about an older book of mine this past weekend. Drake’s Rules. One thing led to another and I ended up reading it which turned out to be a semi-weird experience.

You see, there were entire sections I didn’t remember writing. I was sitting there, happily reading along and I’d get lost in the story. Then I’d hit a part that I do recall and be reminded that I was reading one of my books.

Do you ever do that? Read something years later, whether it be a book or a journal entry or a poem and hit a blank wall about it? It’s odd and a little unsettling though not in a bad way. I figure those are the spots when the characters took over and wrote whatever they wanted.

Like the rules Drake kept coming up with throughout the book. Rules of couplehood. Um, yeah. I’m not someone I’d recommend coming to for relationship advice to I’m fairly certain Drake himself wrote them.

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