Monday, May 16, 2011


Dream big
Dream small
Dream the dream of having it all

Some will fade
Some will grow
The ones to hold your heart will know

Have no doubts
And fear you not
Patience, courage and talent you’ve got

Always and without question
This I know tis true
Good things are to come for I have faith in you

You know, I really don’t require much. I’d like to have enough that I’m not living paycheck to paycheck as I’ve been doing for longer than I can remember. I want enough that I can share with my friends. Both when they truly need it and when they don’t. Say an impromptu picnic, perhaps.

In the middle of a stretch of chaos today I paused and had a moment. There is so much more to life than what mine presently is. Not more as in expensive stuff. I’m talking intangibles. Unfortunately, the path to them requires money as well so for now, I am here. Waiting. Maybe for just a little while. Maybe forever.

Where are you in your life?

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