Friday, May 9, 2014

Is It Worth It?

The instant gratification of today’s flowers.

Eons ago when I started gardening annuals were sold in six packs for not a lot of money.  Over the years the six packs became four packs.  For more money of course.

Today I went gathering pretties for the various yards I tend.  The same things I used to purchase for next to nothing in multi-packs are now sold in four inch pots.  For twice the price.

Yes, the plants are much larger and already covered with flowers.  As soon as I put them in the gardens looked like they’d been growing for weeks.  Pretty?  Of course.  But today is May 9th.  There are potentially five more months to the growing season.  I’m not certain that the extra it costs to have instant blooming gardens is worth it.  Personally, I enjoy taking a tour of the new plants, watching them take hold and start to grow.  For me, larger flowers means I miss out on part of the enjoyment of planting pretties.
Just my opinion of course.  Happy weekend!

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