Thursday, October 6, 2011


I’ve begun the search for yarn for my next project. This one isn’t going to be easy. The thing is, I know what I want so only that will do. Problem. I’m not sure it exists. But I’m open to possibilities.

One interesting thing I’ve learned since I began knitting again. Yarns which contain wool have a certain level of magic all of their own. From the critters that contributed it. Knitting enhances that.

Sadly, cottons do not inherently have this feature. But cotton yarns, some of them, transform and come to life when you work with them. Yes indeed, they can be spectacular. The tricky part is knowing which will absorb all the magic you have to offer, magnifying it exponentially, and which will remain what they began as, a pretty colored cotton yarn.

This could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. You see, I’m going to test my possibilities by knitting them up into a very pretty hat pattern I’ve found. So that means come winter, some of you may be getting a hat. Of course how many of you is all contingent on how many yarns I need to sample before I find the perfect one.

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