A necessary evil. I hate it. Yeah, okay so that’s mostly because I don’t have any to play with.
The very nice alarm fixing man who is highly allergic to cats came to see me today. My system is going fluky and it needed some tinkering. Tinkering by someone other than me, that is. I’ve rigged it as much as I was able and it’s been working way longer than expected. It was his turn to rig it this time. It’s fine again. Temporarily at least but it requires some new gizmos which he’s ordered for me. Sweetheart that he is, he’s waiting to charge me for everything until they’re in and he replaces them.
For the same price I could snag me one of those nifty portable air conditioners that sits in the corner instead of taking up my only window and I could maybe sleep at night. With just the fan, it cooled all the way down to 90 in my room last night. It’s ten degrees hotter outside today and predicted to be even worse the next two so you can see why it’s so tempting to cancel the alarm work and have coolness instead.
A third option, since even I know it’s not going to stay this hot forever no matter how it seems is a pretty little Toshiba mini. In creepy green! It comes wifi compatible at no extra charge and is half the size and weight of my laptop. I’ve always wanted one of them so I can roam easily with my computer, writing as the mood strikes. Now I take a notebook and then have to transfer it to the computer later. Time I could be spending otherwise occupied. Besides it’s just so damn cute I think I have to have one. Yeah, I know. Back to that need versus want thing again.
So that’s my dilemma for the day. I suspect I’ll be responsible and go with the alarm system since Reading is really not the place to go without these days. Sometimes, being an adult really sucks.
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