I have no experience in that so I went off to work the next
morning and requested to be permitted to attend. Hey, training opportunity, free, within
walking distance so yes, it was approved.
The class was today and I had a blast! Many of the others there had attended all the
other classes together so they knew I was new to the group. A kindly older man patted my hand and told me
not to worry, that I’d catch up in no time.
So cute!
The class began and the librarian instructing it was
great. He drew on the knowledge shared
in previous classes, reinforcing what they’d already learned. He made it interesting, fun and best of all
easy to follow. No, we’re hardly experts
but in the few hours there we learned enough to set up a basic presentation,
with encouragement to go off and be creative on our own.
Next month, he’s holding a Microsoft Publisher class. Yep, I’ll be requesting to go to that one as
well and I’m already looking forward to it.