Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Did It!

A year ago some friends issued a 365 day picture challenge.  The objective was to take one pic of ourselves with our cell phones, every day for a year.  Face shots were not always necessary.  As long as we were in the picture somehow it was fine.  Pictures could be edited and processed before posting in any way we desired.

Doesn’t sound awful, right?  Well, for someone who was not overly fond of appearing in photos, the beginning of the challenge was just that, a challenge.  At the beginning I posted many pictures of me pointing at something or of my fuzzy slippers and new shoes.  As time went on however, I became less intimidated.  Sure, I still process most of my pics in some way before sharing but not nearly as much as I did when this first began unless I’m playing with special effects and attempting to achieve a certain look.

Here is my photo for today, the final shot of the challenge.  I never expected to say this but it’s been fun.  You should try it sometime.  Not necessarily to share with the world but for yourself.  Not only does it give you a chance to let your creativity run wild for at least a few minutes a day but it can also be a learning experience about yourself.

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