Thursday, October 15, 2009


Complete. My life that is. Or it was for a brief instant this morning when I heard the most fascinating tidbit on the radio. For just a second I thought that I knew all I needed and could die a happy, fulfilled girl. And then, in the next second, I got to thinking. I know, dangerous that, isn’t it?

What I heard was the result of a study, a real study. Unfortunately, the report didn’t include who sponsored it. If it had I would have contacted them since the announcement they made raised all sorts of questions.

Oh, you want to know what the earth shattering piece of information gleaned is? Alright, I’ll tell you. Are you ready for this? Here goes. Adult Mexicans curse an average of twenty times a day. Can you believe it? I was simply astounded. What they failed to reveal however, was whether or not they are referring to a specific group of Mexicans. Natives still in Mexico? First generation in the U.S.? Some other country? Descendants? Illegal aliens? Pure blood or diluted? Also, they didn’t mention what language the swearing was done in. Mexican Spanish? Spanglish? English? Swahili? Is there a difference among age groups? Sexes? Economic conditions? It would be nice to know how, exactly they determined those cursing were Mexican too, wouldn’t it?

Seriously, I think these are things we really need to know. I mean, why undertake such a study if you’re not going to be thorough?

On a completely different note, look at the cool chandelier I found hanging above yesterday’s banister. Pretty, right?


Molly Daniels said...

Love both the bannister and chandelier!

As for swearing, I can also do it in sign language, and not the typical signs. That way I can somewhat be polite about it, hee hee...

Regina Carlysle said...

Oh that chandelier is PRETTY!