Saturday I had been out working in the sun and heat most of the morning so I decided to take myself off to the local mini market and get a nummy frozen beverage. Simple enough, right? Wrong!
I got there, placed my order on the handy dandy touch screen, went to the counter to pay and then returned to the food/beverage area to wait. And wait. And wait. It was busy so I was okay with that. Until all the other customers waiting with me had been served and the employees began cleaning the area.
So I told the closet one to me that the beverage maker had skipped my order. I showed her my receipt, stamped paid, that listed what I was expecting. Her response? Was I sure I hadn’t gotten it and already drank it? Was. I. Sure? That I hadn’t stood directly in front of them and devoured 24 ounces of a very thick, frozen substance with an expectant expression on my face? Seriously? Oh hell yes, I was most definitely sure. I was slightly parched but not out of it to the point where something like that would slip my mind.
Once she believed me she asked the individual making the beverages if he remembered my order. He said oh that must have been the one that disappeared from his screen. And he thought apparently it best to just ignore it instead of asking if everyone standing there had gotten their orders
I waited another five minutes for him to get out all the stuff he had just put away, grumbling the entire time he did so as if it were my fault the order vanished. I seriously considered accepting it and then turning right around and pouring it over their heads but I changed my mind. After all, this was the last one of these beverages I was ever likely to stop for so I might as well enjoy it.
Customer service – n – assistance and other resources that a company provides to the people who buy or use its products or services.
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