I generally have the radio on at work. Much of the time it’s merely background noise and I couldn’t tell you what they talk about all day. Lately, however, there have been two topics.
Earlier this week it was the earthquake. It was next to nothing in my corner of Pennsylvania. Yes, we felt it but there was essentially no damage though they did check an already unstable bridge and cautioned people about potential natural gas leaks. I suppose it needed to be rambled about since it’s pretty rare for this area and the radio show that began within an hour of the quake is dubbed “Talk Tuesday” but asking people to call in and talk about what they were doing when they felt it was a bit much.
Since then the topic has been hurricane Irene. Again, something that needs to be discussed though I don’t feel it’s necessary to talk about it non-stop. Around here we may get swiped by one of the western bands. High winds and five to ten inches of rain. Granted, that is a tremendous amount all at once but it’s not nearly as bad as what people in the direct path of the storm could get.
They’ve issued a flood watch. Hmm, no surprise there. Also, they’ve warned people that due to the ground becoming saturated and the possibility of strong winds, trees may fall, taking power lines with them. Wow, no surprise there either. Because of that it follows that there could be power outages. Again, no big shocker.
The radio folks have been going on and on and on, I’m sure convincing some of the listeners in this area that Armageddon is imminent. Those people will flock to the grocery store, buying up everything in sight, making it look as if attacked by a swarm of locusts.
I go grocery shopping every other week since that’s when I get paid. Unfortunately, that’s this week. I’d wait until Tuesday only the kitties need food. Can’t let them go hungry no matter what’s going on so I am now faced with the dilemma of going tonight, with all the insane people or waiting until tomorrow night after the rain starts and risk there not being any food left.
Have a good weekend. Be safe. Don’t drive through puddles unless you are sure they won’t swallow your car. And don’t stand next to any live downed power lines. In other words, if you have to be out and about in the hurricane use some common sense.
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