Yesterday, when I came home from being out and about, I stepped on my bottom step which promptly crumbled under my foot. Much swearing later, I had myself very depressed, convinced I would need a new unit of prefab, concrete steps. I didn’t price them as I was positive they would be expensive. Anything that requires a heavy duty truck with a mini-crane attached in order to deliver them has to be costly, right?
So today while I was at work I asked my neighbor who works with me if he happened to notice the condition of the steps. He said no and asked if they needed patching again. He’d done that for me last summer when one of the corners disintegrated. Yep. Okay, he’d have a look when he got home.
I left work a bit later this evening and by the time I got here he’d already started poking at them. He had a plan in motion for how to selvedge them, saving me who knows how much. All I have to do is finance the cement he’ll need. Of course, I will also provide dinner for him and his lovely wife, even though it’s always said not to be necessary. After all, I help them out at times in return. That’s how it’s been since they moved in beside me twelve years ago. Still, I insist.
How’s that for cool!
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