We’ve made it to the third phase of summer, fresh veggie season. Celebrate! I swear I eat my entire year’s allotment of vegetables in this next month and a half. I’m spoiled. I live in an area where everything imaginable grows. There are multiple farmers’ markets within minutes, not to mention the stands that appear along just about every road. And, since there are no transportation costs added to the price, everything is super cheap.
Tonight’s dinner consists of sweet corn that I was given and fresh, pickled beets I got at a Mennonite stand which are almost equal to my own. Well worth settling for considering they do all the work, peeling the beets, and have all the mess. Perhaps I’ll scramble an egg too but then again, maybe not. The veggies are so good they’ll be more than enough to make me happy.
No, eating vegetables does not make me an idiot. I’m coming to that. After work, I went outside to husk the corn. No problem. Then I took the husks to the trash can at the end of the yard. Problem. I dropped one. Without really paying attention, I reached down to grab it. Here’s where the idiot factor comes in.
The corn husk fell into my patch of prickly pear cactus. Yeah, now you’re getting it. I reached in and came out with a handful of thorns. To make matters worse, I transferred the husk to the other hand. I don’t know if you’re familiar with prickly pears but they give off microscopic thorns that hurt like hell and are a bitch to remove. They also latch on to everything and anything. So when I transferred the husk, I got a slew of the buggers in the other hand too. Yep, big-time idiot here.
Sigh. I’m going back to attempting to remove them. Then, once I stop swearing, and crying, I’m going to sit down and enjoy my veggies.
1 comment:
Only thing worse is "jumping cactus"...because they seem to "jump" if you get near...
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