Saturday, February 14, 2009


Under the guise of needing to rest up from the remnants of my cold I've given myself rare permission to be a couch potato. And I'm so happy I picked today to do so.

Chiller is having a Beauty and the Beast marathon! Mm, don't you just love him? Something about all that savage strength wrapped around his warm heart and how he was willing to protect her at all costs. Yeah, definitely fantasy inspiring. Sigh...


Unknown said...

I used to love Vincent many moons ago

Anny Cook said...

Loved the few episodes I watched. Hope you enjoyed your couch potato day!

Anonymous said...

You deserved to be a couch potato, which you so often do not get to do! Yes, how many of us watched that show and were inspired by love at all costs? I know I was.

Sandra Cox said...

I was too was Vincent fan. Loved the concept.