Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is This The Night?

A hush settles
Darkness falls
The world waits
Atmosphere, pregnant with anticipation
The mist vibrates, alive
Not swirling for there is no breeze
Pulsating expectantly
The leaves tremble on their branches though none fall
Fear holds them in place
Furry scavengers vanish in mere seconds, gone to ground, hiding
Suddenly, all is still

He is coming

Were anyone about the hair on their necks would stand on end long before his arrival
Chins would quiver
Hands would shake
But no one is there
Generations have handed down the tale of the atrocities done to any caught out
Legend, myth, story, conjecture
Exaggeration or truth, facts unknown
It’s been too long since the terror was faced for realistic details

Kiddies huddle, heads beneath the covers
Praying to every childhood deity, superhero, cartoon character they can name to be spared
“Don’t let the creature come for me
Please don’t let it get me
I’ll brush my teeth
And do my homework
And eat my vegetables
If only it passes me by”

The veil parts
Out he steps
Eerie shadows cast by the filtered moonlight
No one to see
The beast pauses
Head swiveling as if trying to catch a scent
There is nothing

An anguished cry pierces the silence, echoing ad infinitum
Tension builds, universally felt
After an eternity, the monster moves on
There will be no hunt
Not tonight
Not in this place

For the moment, they are safe
But don’t get lackadaisical
Never grow too confident
For he will return
And one day his appetite will be sated

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