Monday, September 28, 2009

So You Want to be a Strongman?

You sure about that? There are now weekly competitions held all over the world so if you’re serious we can find you an event to participate in.

But you better be prepared. Just some of the things you’ll be competing in are the Pillar of Hercules where you’ll stand between two 350 pound leaning columns which you’ll be required to hold upright, the Truck Pull as in you’ll be strapped to a tractor trailer which you’ll need to tow. If that’s not enough for you there’s the Plane Pull. A 70-ton jet plane to be exact. Then there’s the Fridge Carry, two full-size refrigerators strapped to either end of a beam, creating a 900 pound barbell which is then carried over a 90 foot course. How about a Keg Toss? That one’s kind of obvious. And let’s not forget the Atlas Stone which is five increasingly heavier stones which again need to be toted along a set course.

My question, for those of you truly interested in participating in this competition is why? On the occasions when I’ve been flipping channels and come across one of these events I’ve paused and asked the same thing. Why would you want to put yourself through that? Yeah, yeah, I get the whole prestige about being the world’s strongest man but still I need to ask why? Can someone please explain this to me?


Molly Daniels said...

My youngest absolutely astounded me yesterday. He carried in several flats of veggies and fruit from the back of the van to the basement, one at a time! Some of those flats are even too heavy for ME!

The last one, he had his tongue sticking out and his eyes screwed up, ala 'I think I can...'

GOD I wish I'd grabbed my camera!

Anny Cook said...

I have enough just carrying ME around. Sigh.