In case you’ve ever wondered, that’s the sound a bird makes when it’s raining so hard it’s knocked out of a tree and lands on a metal cellar door. I was sitting at work today, doing the things I do, when that very thing happened. Poor critter. It hopped up and huddled on my window ledge for a good ten minutes. I suspect it was a tad stunned and needed a moment to recoup.
It rained harder and longer today than any time in my recent memory. Figures. Last night, I went upstairs to close up the porch and Beau was sitting in the middle of the floor looking up. He was quivering, obviously excited about something. A second later, he dipped his head, shifted and went back to looking up. So I looked up too.
The damn roof is leaking! He was waiting for the drip to play chicken with it. Funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time or it would have been had his entertainment not been caused by water dropping from the inside of my ceiling. He was so upset with me when I chased him out of the way in order to put a bucket in his place.
Fortunately, it’s only a little leak. I haven’t coated the roof lately so I’m hoping that’s all it’ll take to fix it. But of course it’s supposed to rain, hard, for days so who knows how bad it might get before I can deal with it.
The picture? My grocery store is remodeling. They’ve apparently decided to add a moat.
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