Sunday, December 21, 2008

Give It Back!

The one part of this season I truly enjoy is the music. I have a collection of over 40 cds of every sort of Christmas music imaginable. The thing is however, I rarely listen to any of them at this time of year.

For some odd reason I thought I might break tradition and play a few songs this morning. All my Christmas cds are stored together in a brown bag. I thought it was with the upstairs stereo. I know that’s where it was. I distinctly remember serenading the neighborhood one hot summer day. But when I went up to retrieve it, the bag wasn’t there.

I looked with the downstairs cds. Nope, not there either. Those are the only two places it’s ever been. Seriously, I would never put it anywhere else. Never ever.

Panic, hyperventilating setting in here. I’ve decided whoever it is that’s leaving all that odd food in my kitchen must have taken it. Give it back! Now! Just slip the bag back upstairs where it belongs. No questions asked. No one gets hurt. I’ll pretend I lost my mind and overlooked it the eighteen times I searched the area where I last saw it. Please?


Molly Daniels said... THAT's where the extra CD's came from...

See? I told you to come over!

And apparently, your comment section does NOT shut down my ISP! Aren't YOU lucky! I'm slowly figuring out whose I can check out and which ones to wait until I'm done with the internet!

Unknown said...

I can tell you, hand on my heart if I could find it, that I would never steal xmas songs.