Saturday, December 20, 2008

Maybe, Maybe Not

By now you all know I get migraines. In fact you're probably as sick of hearing about them as I am having them. Well, maybe not. With one little click you can move on and be done with it. I, on the other hand, am stuck with them indefinitely.

I've been having a very rough few weeks here. Changing meds again. The topamax that was working so well to prevent the pain was messing up my mind, big time. In very bad ways. Sigh. I had such hopes for it but nope, it's better to be alive and in pain than the alternative. Yes, it was getting to that point.

So I'm back on what I had before that was only somewhat effective. Better than nothing, right? The problem is that it is something that has to build up in my system before it takes hold which means I've had a week's worth of headaches again. I try to save the very big powerful meds for the worst times when I can't stand it because they do very strange things to me. It's also something that loses effectiveness the more I use it.

Last night was extremely bad so I broke down and took some. This stuff doesn't knock me out. Instead it makes everything hazy and unreal. I can't ever tell if things are really happening or if I'm imagining them. I think Neeley may have stopped by at some point. Or maybe I just wanted her to because she should be home for her winter break visit soon. If she was here I don't think I let her in because she had an odd assortment of people with her among them some of my ex's family and a few other individuals I don't particularly care for. I can't understand why she would bring them with her. She knows better. Of course she may not have been here at all. Like I said, I really don't know. If nothing else, this stuff makes life interesting. Now if only it didn't hurt so much.

My head still hurts today. I've had just about enough of this.


Unknown said...

Jeez...I cannot even begin to understand how bad you are feeling.I still say give the needles a try.

Molly Daniels said...

Oh you poor darling...want to come spend the holidays with us? Plenty of TLC to go around here.

bad migrains! bad! bad! leave my friend alone! (I'm whispering so I don't make your head any worse...)