Tuesday, December 9, 2008

In A Pinch

I was speaking with Neeley a little bit ago and she had me laughing so damn hard with her resourcefulness that I can’t keep it to myself. She started out telling me it’s time for her to drop off her Secret Santa gift. Only problem is she has no wrapping paper or tape. Her solution…newspaper and a glue stick. Great! I would have come up with the newspaper. Yep, done that many times already. But the glue stick? I doubt it, perhaps because I don’t think I’ve ever had one.

Her other helpful fix-it hint was what I thought was so funny. It seems she ripped her jacket while helping someone move. Her down jacket. Of course it was cold so she couldn’t just take it off. And there was no needle and thread available. So did she leave a trail of feathers behind her all day? Nope, not Neeley. For some unknown reason the tape had already been packed up but the stapler wasn’t. Ah sure, makes sense to me. I always save my stapler for last, don’t you? You got it. She rolled the edges of the rip together and stapled them closed.

Don’t you love it? I do. But then I know Neeley and can picture her swearing and then going in search of a viable solution. I can also picture the expressions on the faces of the guys she was helping.

Surely you all have some unorthodox tip you’re just dying to share. Come on, fess up. What have you done lately that will make me laugh too?


Regina Carlysle said...

OMG! That's funny. Neeley is really resourceful. I once superglued the hem on a pair of pants. My son had a pair of tennis shoes that he loved. When they started falling apart at the toes, he taped them with electrical tape. He got so many comments about the silver shiny tape all the guys on his tennis team started taping their shoes too.

Anny Cook said...

Duct tape. I carry it everywhere!

Unknown said...

I staple a lot of things in an emergency. Also, a great believer in carrying many safety pins

Molly Daniels said...

I used to tease my mom about carrying everything in her purse except the kitchen sink! Safety pins, tape, glue sticks...she had it.

A friend of mine went to a formal dinner, and as she walked in the door, her long dress was caught on something and the hem came out. She turned to her hubby and told him to get the duct tape out of the car, and fixed her dress that way!

Bronwyn Green said...

I put together a baby crib with a butter knife when my husband hid the tool box from me - he was afraid I'd try to lift the tool box in order to put the crib together while he was at work. Little did he know I had mad butter knife skills.

If you want a little chuckle, come visit my blog to see my latest conversation with Corwin - there is cuteness to be had. ;)