Saturday, February 25, 2012

Last Night

I went out and about. The bar was amazingly empty for a Friday so I wandered over. The plan was to do a little writing on Beau’s next tale, have a Guinness or two and order dinner to go.

I ended seated beside someone I worked with eons ago, half involved in his conversation, half happily scribbling away. Or I was until his wife texted a request food and he responded with the offer of food for sex. She then wanted to know what food he was bringing to which he wondered what food would garner him which acts. I’m not sure how it turned out because the people he was waiting for arrived and they moved to the other end of the bar where there was room for all of them. I do know that when he left, he had a pile of containers so I’m guessing a good time was had by all at his house once he got home.

I also bumped into a little girl I hadn’t seen in ages. She’s someone I met when she was maybe two. We’ve had very inspired conversations with over the years and yesterday was no exception. She’s now all grown up and as amazing as I always knew she would be. What fun we had catching up!

Isn’t it funny how things work out sometimes? I was only going out for a little while and if I’d left when planned I would have missed her. She wasn’t intending to go out at all but changed her mind at the last minute. I’m glad the universe intervened.

Happy weekend!

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