Thursday, July 2, 2009

How Rude!

Today is my trash pickup day. For the third week in a row, someone has added theirs to mine. Yes, believe it or not, one of my lovely neighbors is so damn cheap they won’t pay the few measly dollars that it costs a week to have their trash hauled away. Why bother, right? After all, I am already paying for it so why not just dump theirs in the alley behind my trash can?

I thought maybe this week they wouldn’t, since we had torrential downpours all night but nope, it was there again this morning. It seems they're assholes no matter what the weather may be. With how hard it rained, frankly I’m surprised it wasn’t scattered all over the place. Bad enough they’re essentially stealing from me. Imagine how much angrier I will be should I ever need to go clean it up if their bags break open. And I’d have to so the city didn’t fine me. Oh wait. I know why they were out in the rain last night. That way they could shower at the same time and not have to pay the few pennies for water too.

I’m going to start with posting a sign for them to stop so they know I’m paying attention. I really hope that works. Otherwise I’m going to need to hang out in my yard all night in order to catch them red handed. Hm, red. There’s an idea. I need a paintball gun for the night I do this. Anyone want to join me?


Regina Carlysle said...

I'm on my way. Will pick up a paint gun and join you in the ambush. What a bunch of cheap-asses! Might be cool to sabatoge your trash can in some way. Dump your trash then paint the lid red so when they dump, they GET IT.

Sandra Cox said...

Love the pic.