Friday, July 24, 2009

Out and About

I had some stuff to do today and grabbed my camera on the way out the door. Is it just me or do you think it's funny that the scale was made by Detecto? Once all the necessary things were accomplished I played along the way home.

I know I've mentioned being in Reading but I've never specifically pointed out that it's Reading as in the home of the Reading Railroad. I decided we need pics so I went exploring. Yup, found an easy way to get to the tracks but as soon as I headed toward the yard the Norfolk Southern guy was right there to chase me away. I think the engineer turned me in. Well, I was literally on the tracks so fair enough. I will be going back and next time I'm going to be my sweetest self and ask if I could wander around.

Since I was right there I walked around and took some pics of Reading's Subway. It's the dip under the railroad bridge that connects the two hills of Reading. Everytime it rains it floods and people here are so dumb they get stuck in it all the time. The city actually posted flood level signs, not that they do any good. There's also a height sign and I can't tell you how many times trucks have been wedged in anyway. You can see the gouges in the crumbling roof. Of course while I was there, Riley and the Middle Child drove by and spotted me. Good thing they already know I'm insane and love me anyway.

Part of my journey took me past the hospital. The original building is a local landmark and they have lots of little gardens scattered about. There's also some incredible trees that fed my bark obsession. Thank goodness it wasn't raining or I probably would have given in and tasted a few of them.

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Nice pics, Barbara.

We have the same kind of overpass here in RI, with the same signs. I can't believe how many people foolishly go thru after heavy rains. Or how they attempt with large trucks. I just want to smack them and say, "Duh!" :)

Molly Daniels said...

My great-grandfather used to work for Norfolk & Western:) I have a scrapbook he made of all the business cards he collected from various railroad personnel...and some r/r companies no longer exist anymore.

Yeah, it's amazing how many truckers don't know how high their trailers are...