I was sitting in my living room, happily writing away last night. At a really juicy bit too. The hero had just latched onto some recently bared flesh when my house alarm system went off. If you've never heard one up close and personal, let me tell you the thing is damn loud!
After the first eight seconds of "holy crap someone's breaking into my house, what the hell do I do now" wore off so I could move, I checked the panel and saw it was the porch door. Hm, okay, should have heard that. That's an interior door of the enclosed porch. It would take some doing to get there. Granted I get involved when writing, especially the hot stuff but I'd think I'd notice that even though there is generally some sort of noise going on in my neighborhood at all hours day or night.
I finally thought to deactivate the system just as the alarm company called to check on me. Pretty cool how they do that. In a real emergency I either A) don't answer or B) say yes everything is perfectly fine and then give an incorrect password alerting them that it is indeed not fine at all.
Last night the nice woman stayed on the line with me while I went to investigate. After grabbing my stun gun that is. I keep the room to the
The room was as it was when I'd closed it up an hour earlier. The porch door was closed and locked and in one piece. I peeked out the window and the porch enclosure was intact. The alarm woman checked my records and suspected that the alarm was triggered by the rapid drop in temperature combined with the increased wind. If it had been a gradual drop the unit would have shown low battery instead. See what else happens on Oley Fair weekends? Now I suppose I'll have to remember to change all my alarm unit batteries the weekend before next year.
Anyway, battery changed. House secure. Years scared off my life. Hero's fun interrupted for the night. Yes, he had to wait until this morning to get back to what he was doing. After that I needed to watch a scary movie to calm down so I could sleep.
So, what did you do for fun last night?
Well, you can always use this as a scene in a book later on. Everything that happens in my life is fodder for a story.
Ashley is right - use it in a book. I am going to use what happened to me last night in a book
Wait a minute...you watched a scary movie to calm down?
Geez, I did something really exciting. I went to bed and stared at the ceiling. Next time I'm gonna get up and read a book... or set off the smoke alarms.
Do you really have a stun gun??? Amazing.
Yep. That's what everyone is telling me these days...use this in a book. could work.
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