I meant to give you an informative blog derived from a hip hop magazine I've been perusing only I encountered several problems.
After hours of study I still can not make heads nor tails of it. Pure gibberish, I assure you. I was reading bits and pieces aloud, thinking that perhaps that might aid in the translation. Nope. In fact it was so bad that the one individual attempting to assist me in my quest to teach you of this new and less than wonderous world finally asked me to cease and desist. She said such phrases were simply never meant to be uttered by someone such as myself. Frankly, I have to agree.
The other reason I willingly admit defeat with this one is that the subject matter is not suitable. Personally, I live by the do no harm and to each his own philosophy. However, that does not mean I'm going to force this um, how should I put it, material, yes, that's a nice term, material, down your throats. I am not driving a whatever the current car of choice for gangstas is with speakers hanging out the back so I will not leave you with no other choice. It is my blog and I am entitled to my own opinion and in my opinion this material in not fit for the readers who visit here. If you think I'm wrong, go find your own hip hop magazine and have a blast. Email me privately and explain the appeal because honestly, I don't see it.
Some, a very few, of the ads weren't bad. Hot, less than half dressed bods advertising cologne, mostly male with great chests. That's universally acceptable but other than that, give me the Farm Journal or a Birds & Blooms any day.
After hours of study I still can not make heads nor tails of it. Pure gibberish, I assure you. I was reading bits and pieces aloud, thinking that perhaps that might aid in the translation. Nope. In fact it was so bad that the one individual attempting to assist me in my quest to teach you of this new and less than wonderous world finally asked me to cease and desist. She said such phrases were simply never meant to be uttered by someone such as myself. Frankly, I have to agree.
The other reason I willingly admit defeat with this one is that the subject matter is not suitable. Personally, I live by the do no harm and to each his own philosophy. However, that does not mean I'm going to force this um, how should I put it, material, yes, that's a nice term, material, down your throats. I am not driving a whatever the current car of choice for gangstas is with speakers hanging out the back so I will not leave you with no other choice. It is my blog and I am entitled to my own opinion and in my opinion this material in not fit for the readers who visit here. If you think I'm wrong, go find your own hip hop magazine and have a blast. Email me privately and explain the appeal because honestly, I don't see it.
Some, a very few, of the ads weren't bad. Hot, less than half dressed bods advertising cologne, mostly male with great chests. That's universally acceptable but other than that, give me the Farm Journal or a Birds & Blooms any day.
Just think in 20 years time people will be saying what the hell was hip hop? You're just ahead of your time
Hip hop is a joke.
why? why? why on earth would you even go there?
i'm just glad you are okay...whew.
Thank you for your restraint.
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