Too much mind bounce today to snare a coherent thought.
Imagine an atomic superball in a pinball machine with the fastest bumpers ever invented and no drain hole. I don’t even need flippers to keep the thoughts zinging around my head. They’re doing it all on their own.
It’s making me very tired but it’s too busy in here to sleep. Besides, don’t want to sleep. I might miss something. You really should be in here with me. Some of it is damn funny and there’s no one to laugh with. I spent the whole day avoiding people as much as possible because it was damn near impossible to contain the spontaneous outbursts of laughter.
And then there were the passing moments of uncontrolled sobbing. Yeah, good thing I have tasks that permit me to work in isolation.
In addition to that fun stuff, there were also the brief periods where I had to bounce physically as well as mentally. I just adore my crocs. They’re such great shoes, all squishy and springy.
See what I mean? Pure nonsense today. I think I’ll go now.
Oh, so you know, no I have not lost my mind. Well, no more than usual. I increased the topamax again. This seems to be my standard side-effect. Three days of mind bounce followed by four days of relative calm. Only two more increases to go before the dosage levels off and I go back for my next appointment with my neurologist. Yeah, that’s going to be a good one! Want to come with me? The good news is no migraines since I’ve been taking this so to me, it’s worth it.
Imagine an atomic superball in a pinball machine with the fastest bumpers ever invented and no drain hole. I don’t even need flippers to keep the thoughts zinging around my head. They’re doing it all on their own.
It’s making me very tired but it’s too busy in here to sleep. Besides, don’t want to sleep. I might miss something. You really should be in here with me. Some of it is damn funny and there’s no one to laugh with. I spent the whole day avoiding people as much as possible because it was damn near impossible to contain the spontaneous outbursts of laughter.
And then there were the passing moments of uncontrolled sobbing. Yeah, good thing I have tasks that permit me to work in isolation.
In addition to that fun stuff, there were also the brief periods where I had to bounce physically as well as mentally. I just adore my crocs. They’re such great shoes, all squishy and springy.
See what I mean? Pure nonsense today. I think I’ll go now.
Oh, so you know, no I have not lost my mind. Well, no more than usual. I increased the topamax again. This seems to be my standard side-effect. Three days of mind bounce followed by four days of relative calm. Only two more increases to go before the dosage levels off and I go back for my next appointment with my neurologist. Yeah, that’s going to be a good one! Want to come with me? The good news is no migraines since I’ve been taking this so to me, it’s worth it.
Do you have back problems? I know spine issues can cause migraines...
Nope. Did the whole chiropractor thing and it didn't make one bit of difference. They started when I was 8 and never quit.
Jeez - you poor bugger - you know what you should do? What I suggested in my email to you. Put those emotions to use - and yes, you can do it despite what you think.
Want to put all that extra energy to use? Come over here and help me with my pack-rat issues:)
Oh, btw...would your dr have a suggestions for all day hot flashes??? Maybe I'd better come with you...
Topomax. Heh.
I'm with AJ. Use those "highs" to do some cool things and then decompress. Take advantage of it.
BTW... I love my crocs too. When I'm not barefoot, I'm wearing them.
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