Ever heard of it? Somehow I doubt it because I think it’s a regional treat. And no, I do not mean a cake with silly decorations.
Usually you can only find funny cakes at the local farmers markets but Monday when I was at the grocery store, I discovered they now have them too. Of course I got one. I deserved it since I was bruised after my full night out as the masked avenger.
In case you’re not familiar with this delight, a funny cake has a piecrust with a layer of sweet, dark chocolate, thicker than pudding goo and then a heavier than average white cake on top of that. I know what you’re thinking but trust me, it’s really good.
The thing about this is how it’s made. You pour the cake batter directly into the piecrust and then drizzle the thin, watery chocolate sauce over the top. Somehow, while it’s baking the chocolate thickens and switches places with the cake. Or it does when anyone other than me bakes it.
I can bake. Honestly, I can. Just not funny cake. I’ve tried numerous recipes, including the tried and true one from my college boyfriend’s mom. She made them all the time and hers always stayed in separate layers. Mine swirled together every time. Marble cake in a piecrust is just not good.
If you google funny cake you will find all sorts of recipes so give it a try and let me know how it works for you. Hey, here’s an idea. Let’s have a contest. You can all bake funny cakes and ship them to me, say Columbus day weekend. I’ll be the judge. Hm, what kind of prize to offer that will provide enough incentive to get me funny cakes?
Usually you can only find funny cakes at the local farmers markets but Monday when I was at the grocery store, I discovered they now have them too. Of course I got one. I deserved it since I was bruised after my full night out as the masked avenger.

The thing about this is how it’s made. You pour the cake batter directly into the piecrust and then drizzle the thin, watery chocolate sauce over the top. Somehow, while it’s baking the chocolate thickens and switches places with the cake. Or it does when anyone other than me bakes it.
I can bake. Honestly, I can. Just not funny cake. I’ve tried numerous recipes, including the tried and true one from my college boyfriend’s mom. She made them all the time and hers always stayed in separate layers. Mine swirled together every time. Marble cake in a piecrust is just not good.

Hmmm...funny cake. I've never heard of it, but it sounds delish. I might try it for my oldest's birthday. I'll let you know how it goes. :)
Only in America...
At first I thought it was a typo and you meant 'funnel' cake! I'll have to try this.
Can you use Oreo or graham cracker crust, or does it have to be pastry crust? Send me the recipe; I'll try it.
There isn't incentive big enough to get me to try baking that. I'd mess it up anyway.
Ever heard of Gooey Butter cake? THAT is one I want to try.
I want to try coca-cola cake. This Funny Cake sounds...different. I might have to just break down and have a cake-off. Make all the cakes and pies that I have been craving and eat them all. Just to try...you know.
I've never heard of funny cake but now I have to try it. I'll try to find a recipe. I love to bake. Do you have a particular recipe you like?
I don't know. I think I would rather try the gooey butter cake.
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