Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just in Reading?

There was yet another attempted bank robbery in the area this week. We have them all the time, many of which are successful. This one, however, wasn’t. The bank in question recently installed a new security system. Apparently there’s now someone monitoring folks as they come in the main doors who can then bar the inner door, preventing entry should they look suspicious.

The news reported that it was the first time the system was put into use and the bank officials were pleased with how it functioned, real time. Good for them. My question here is why they didn’t take things one step further. The monitoring person saw the man entering the bank had a mask on beneath his hoodie. He pushed the button, triggering the inner doors to lock. The would-be thief turned and ran once he realized he wasn't getting inside. And got away. So now there’s a big search for the individual from the really bad, fuzzy picture. Why don’t they have a similar locking device on the outer doors that, when activated, would then trap the person between the sets of doors?

Is it just me here that’s wondering about this? Seriously, if they’re spending the amount of money to install the system in the first place, why not complete it?

While I’m on the subject of local bank robberies, I’ll mention one that occurred a few years ago. The robber took a taxi from his home to the bank, had the driver wait while he went inside and then was dropped back off at home. Yeah, I bet he’s still confused about how he got caught.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are absolutely right. Bullet proof doors, snag!

Could get ugly though if the bank robber in question didn't want to end it peacefully, I suppose.

Love that pic, too. Could be...anybody.