Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Not the Best Day

T-Mobile is experiencing problems. Problems that started as intermittent texting but became no phone service and no texting. None at all. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Their statement says oops, they’re sorry. That’s just not good enough. My contract is up shortly and I will not be renewing it.

My great aunt, as I’ve mentioned, is 93. She had surgery last week, technically minor, but she is 93. No phone service means I wasn’t able to check on her. When I spoke to her Monday she was a bit mopey. Not good for someone her age who’s just had a procedure. Attitude counts for so much. Silly me dropped long distance on the house phone so I had no way to contact her. And she had no way of knowing why I wasn’t calling, just that I wasn’t. Feeling ignored and abandoned is really not a good thing either.

I tried to call this morning and it rang, major progress, but then it shut off. I don’t know if she was in her room or out at therapy. I really hope she was out so she doesn’t wonder who hung up on her. I’ll try again in a bit and see what happens.

My baby kitty, Kya is off getting spayed today. She has to spend the night. I’ve gotten so used to her curled up on the pillow beside me, purring away, her paw resting on my cheek, that I’m anticipating a long night. Yes, the furry boys are here but they don’t get the whole cuddle keeps away the bad dreams thing. And with my phone acting up, I have no way of reaching out for someone to calm me once the nightmares begin.

And then I got home to find my African violet unpotted all over the living room carpet. Harry had a busy day. Yep, sure it was him because he and Kya are my climbers and she wasn’t home. Somehow, I’m sure T-Mobile is responsible for him doing that today after resisting the temptation for over five years.

I really dislike those people at the moment. Anyone so overjoyed with your phone service you’d recommend them?


Sandra Cox said...

Hope tomorrow is better. Good luck finding anyone overjoyed with their phone service:)

Anny Cook said...

Heh. I just bought a cheapo phone with no contract--Virgin mobile. It does what I need it to do.

At home I have a Verizon plan that lets me call anywhere in the continental US and talk for as long as I want to talk. Good thing as there's no one local (except my neighbor) that I really talk to. All the rest of the family and friends are out of state.