Tuesday, November 17, 2009

3 AM

A scream shatters the tranquility of the night.
Jerked awake though not nearly enough
Still mostly asleep
It takes a moment to grasp the one shrieking is me
Trapped in a nightmare I know is not real
The symbols are writhing
Marking his presence
They cast an eerie glow
Reflected in his soulless eyes as he stalks me.
I must escape or perish yet again
Night after night he tracks me
Waiting for me to drop my guard so he can pounce.
I cry out but still to no avail
He is closer now, caging me in
So close I can feel his fetid breath on my neck
He’ll have me soon
How will he kill me this time I wonder?
Blown up
Not much left.
Maybe tonight it will be something worse
Something from which I won’t recover
Something that will hold me in the depths of uneasy slumber until my waking life ends.
Repeatedly I wail but no one comes to my rescue
I am stuck, unable to rouse myself
I am alone
Once more, I die.

Yeah, I had a bad night. Back tomorrow.

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