Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lost It

My mind, that is. Or what little was left of it.

Why? I made corn pie today. Baked it and everything. I do that once a year and it always seems to be on the hottest day. Yeah, today qualifies. But damn, it’s good! Worth the mess and added heat.

I went for a wander in Charles Evans again yesterday after I decided it would be better to save climbing around under the bridge for another day. It was weirdly peaceful yet noisy as hell. The cicadas were out full force, loud enough to drown out any of the street noises that can usually be heard there. It was also deserted. Just me and the spirits.

I let them lead me in my strolling and they guided me to some pretty cool trees. I think they must like them too. There is a most amazing oak grove. I swear one of the trees is at least twelve feet around. If you’re ever in Reading, you really should go for a meander.

It was surprisingly cool there so I hung out in the gazebo for a bit. I really need to start carrying a book in the car because it is the perfect spot to curl up and read. I can’t decide if people actually have some respect due to the location or if the grounds crew just does that good a job. Probably both.

Even so, it was too hot to head back there today. It’s too hot to do much of anything so I’m not now that I’ve got dinner for the week taken care of. I started True Blood yesterday. Yep, I get why my friends can’t miss it now. Maybe I’ll watch another episode of that.

Stay cool. It’s going to be a very bad week.

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