A while back the local electric company sent out a notice that they may be raising rates A LOT in 2011 when the current contract expires. No, they can’t say how much until the time comes. But, just in case it is A LOT, you can hedge against future charges by sending them a little extra every month now. When all is said and done, sending five bucks now will save you all of one once rates change. Yeah. I passed on that one.
Today I got a very official looking letter written in a very scary way that home owners may or may not be responsible for the maintenance of various and assorted exterior equipment and should something go wrong it would be up to them to see about fixing it at an astronomical expense.
But wait! For the low, low fee of $4.99 a month they will maintain the equipment for you. Um, okay. That’s just dandy but no where do they give any qualifications of who and what specifically is or is not covered.
So here’s how I see it. One of the items mentioned is the electric box. Fine. If it’s mine I see absolutely no need to have it so I’m going to get rid of it. Yep, yank that sucker right off the wall and hook my wire directly to theirs. Hey, it’s mine, I can do what I
want with it, right?
No? Not a good idea? How about this? I think they should pay me the same $4.99 fee every month for the privilege of reading MY meter. And let’s tack on another couple bucks access fee since they have to traipse through my yard to get to it. Yes, I like that the sound of that so perhaps I’ll be sending them my official looking letter tomorrow.
Today I got a very official looking letter written in a very scary way that home owners may or may not be responsible for the maintenance of various and assorted exterior equipment and should something go wrong it would be up to them to see about fixing it at an astronomical expense.
But wait! For the low, low fee of $4.99 a month they will maintain the equipment for you. Um, okay. That’s just dandy but no where do they give any qualifications of who and what specifically is or is not covered.
So here’s how I see it. One of the items mentioned is the electric box. Fine. If it’s mine I see absolutely no need to have it so I’m going to get rid of it. Yep, yank that sucker right off the wall and hook my wire directly to theirs. Hey, it’s mine, I can do what I
want with it, right?
No? Not a good idea? How about this? I think they should pay me the same $4.99 fee every month for the privilege of reading MY meter. And let’s tack on another couple bucks access fee since they have to traipse through my yard to get to it. Yes, I like that the sound of that so perhaps I’ll be sending them my official looking letter tomorrow.