Wednesday, November 19, 2008

When I Grow Up

When I was a little girl, before I started school, my parents’ friends would ask if I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. That’s what they all were. Uh, no. Even then I already knew I’d never have the patience for it. After all, why would I want to when all they did was complain?

So what did I tell them? I wanted to be a translator for the UN. Swedish to be specific. You should have seen the looks I got the first time I announced that one. I don’t remember how I came up with it but it sounded like an awesome idea to me. It lasted for years, right up until the time I could start taking languages in school.

That’s when the dream ended. Although my school didn’t offer Swedish it was still painfully obvious translator was not among my capabilities, not spoken anyway. Yes, I was very adept at languages. I picked them up with relative ease. I could write out most anything. It’s the pronunciation that I sucked at. The truth is there are a lot of days I have trouble speaking clearly in English. But that’s me. Most days talking to people is too tiring to bother with so I don’t.

What about you? Was there something odd you wanted to be when you were a small child?


Sandra Cox said...

I have an issue speaking clearly in English too:)

Unknown said...

I had no plans as a child - I have none as an adult...I go with whatever circumstance I find myself in

Molly Daniels said...

I wanted to be (deep breath) a ballerina, rock star, nurse, archaelogist, and actress.

Ballerina: Couldn't get mom to sign me up for ballet. Scratch that.

Rock Star: While told voice was nice, had massive stage fright the first time I had to sing a solo. And although Janice Joplin's voice tells me there may still be hope, I don't see it coming. Scratch that.

Nurse: I don't like needles, and have to turn my head when my younglings get their shots. Scratch that.

Archaelogist: A movie came out and squashed my dream. I had no desire to be pursued by large boulders and poisen arrows!

Actress: See Rock Star dream.

Regina Carlysle said...

Mmm. I wanted to be a singer and of course, I couldn't sing a LICK. I think in third grade I wanted to be a missionary but it was a short-lived phase. By the time I hit high school, I knew I wanted to write for newspapers. Got a degree and did that for awhile. Now I write books but I seriously just long to be semi-sane when I grow up.